Caring for Small Animals:

a comprehensive feeding guide


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A Comprehensive Feeding Guide for Small Animals

Small animals make wonderful pets, charming us with their adorable and playful personalities. Whether you have a playful hamster, a curious guinea pig, a fluffy rabbit, or other small animal companion, one thing is true: nutrition is key. Providing them with the best possible care, including correct feeding, is the foundation for giving them the best life.

Each species has unique dietary requirements influenced by factors like age, activity level, and species-specific needs. Let’s go over feeding guides for small animals so your pocket pet can live a happy and healthy life.

Small Animal Feeding Tips

When looking into feeding your small animal, look for a nutritionally complete pellet feed. A complete feed meets your pet’s nutritional needs, supplying them with enough vitamins, fiber, and minerals to support their health.


Feeding Basics

Free feeding of pellets is recommended. Add other rabbit foods like grass hay (timothy, oat) and additional fresh green vegetables.


Apples, carrots, grapes, and other safe fresh fruits in limited quantities.

Our Recommendations

Guinea Pigs

Feeding Basics

Free feeding of pellets or a seed mix is recommended. Add up to 20% (timothy) hay and fresh vegetables to their diet.


Apples, blueberries, strawberries, and other safe fruits in limited amounts.

Our Recommendations


Feeding Basics

Free feeding of pellets or a seed mix is recommended once per day. Supplement with small portions of fresh food.


Limited amounts of apple slices, carrots, broccoli, and spinach.

Our Recommendation

Understanding the Dietary Needs of Small Animals

Before diving into species-specific advice, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental dietary requirements shared by these small animals. Small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters need a diet rich in fiber to support proper digestion and dental health. 

They also require protein for growth and maintenance, although the ideal protein levels vary by species and your pet’s age. A balanced intake of vitamins and minerals is vital for their overall health, and they should always have access to clean, fresh water.

Feeding Rabbits

Rabbits are strict herbivores, with hay forming the cornerstone of their diet. Hay is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and preventing obesity. Rabbits should have quality hay available to them at all times.

In addition to hay, fresh leafy greens and vegetables should be offered to your rabbit daily. Many rabbits love kale, romaine lettuce, and parsley. Pellet rabbit food should be limited to high-quality pellets only with at least 18% fiber content, free from added sugars or artificial colorings.

When it comes to treats, choose low-sugar options like small apple slices or pieces of carrot.

Feeding Guinea Pigs

Just like rabbits, hay should make up a significant part of your pig’s daily food intake. Guinea pigs also thrive on a daily serving of fresh vegetables, particularly ones rich in Vitamin C, like bell peppers, kale, and broccoli. High-quality guinea pig pellets (16-18% fiber) should be part of their diet, but in properly controlled portions to prevent overfeeding.

Lastly, prioritize adequate Vitamin C intake, and consider providing Vitamin C supplements as recommended by your veterinarian.

Feeding Hamsters

Hamsters are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal-based foods. Their diets typically include high-quality pellets containing a mix of grains, seeds, and protein.

Small portions of fresh vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and cucumber can be offered to your pet hamsters. Occasionally, also provide your hamster with a source of protein, like mealworms, crickets, or even a small piece of boiled egg. But do so sparingly.

Treats like fruits should be given in moderation due to their sugar content. Small pieces of apple, banana, or strawberry can serve as occasional indulgences.

General Tips for Feeding Your Small Animals

To give your small animal the best care, always avoid processed and sugary foods, as these can lead to obesity, dental problems, and other health issues. Regardless of the species, providing a well-balanced diet, fresh water, and monitoring their health is essential for the well-being of these beloved small pets.

Also, provide food and treats in appropriate portion sizes to prevent overfeeding. Freshness matters when it comes to hay, vegetables, and other fresh foods. Always choose clean and fresh options, and remove uneaten portions promptly.

The dietary needs of small animals can change based on their age, size, and activity level so stay up to date on your pet’s changing nutritional needs. Stay connected with Star Milling Co. to get the best insights on nutrition. Ensure your furry friend gets the best care they deserve!

Offering fresh treats is a great way to bond with your pet and reinforce positive behaviors through training. Small animals can associate you with the tasty rewards, making them more receptive to interaction and learning.

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